Answer Sheet

Answer Sheet

Version 2.37.401.1811
Install +2 K
Category Education
Size 29 MB
Last Update 2022 June 1
Answer Sheet

Answer Sheet

SalTech co
Version 2.37.401.1811
Install +2 K
Category Education
Size 29 MB
Last Update 2022 June 1
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More Info

Answers are an ideal alternative to paper answers.

Through program, you can simulate the feeling of a real exam .

It has special features that are very similar to the real exam.

With a confident, calm and attractive appearance , which can encourage you to take multiple exams.

For example, The:

• Ability to view the performed exams

• Ability to upload and view the file of questions during the test (with night mode)

• Ability to use the draft without the need for paper

• Ability to allocate time separately to each category (such as  trial exams)

• Ability to suspend the desired exam

• Ability to categorize the questions

• Ability to manually add questions to the exam

• Ability to perform the exam, with questions with a specific pattern

• Ability to specify the question number

• Ability to randomly select questions in a specific interval

• Possibility of timed exam

• Ability to correct the exam (both manually and by entering the key of the exam)

• Ability to solve the test stopwatch, count the amount of time to solve each test and view its average in the whole test or in proportion to each category

• Ability to view the percentage separately for each category

• Ability to correct the exam, with a negative score or without a negative score

• Ability to mark questions as desired

• Ability to view the educational status in proportion to the exam score percentage

• Ability to view the chart of academic achievement

• Existence of visual and sensory effects

• Ability to adapt to the phone's night mode

• Ability to share Work Sheet

• Ability to search between tests

• Ability to back up Exams and exam names and bookmarks

And etc...

We hope you enjoy this program and that it will be used by you dear ones.

Stay tuned for new updates! :)

User Reviews - 30 Rates
4.3 from 5
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پنج ستاره به جهت حمایت چند پیشنهاد: 1ـامکان خروج مستقیم از آزمون رو فراهم کنید 2ـاگر بشه برای هر آزمون یک سربرگ طراحی کنید که توضیحاتش رو بنویسیم عالی میشه 3ـکاش قابلیت پوشه بندی داشته باشید برای هر درس یک پوشه طراحی بشه که پاسخنامه ها برن اون تو
Alireza abbasi8585
Alireza abbasi8585
درود مشکل تایمر که اگه روی مثلا سوال یک وقت میگذارم و به جواب نمی‌رسم و بعدش سوال دو رو حل میکنم تایمر سوال یک می‌ره روی سوال دو اگه اینجوری باشه خوبه مثلا من میخوام سوال ۱ رو جواب بدم یک ضربه میزنم روی سوال و برجسته بشه و تایمرش شروع بشه و با ضربه زدن روی سوال دیگه تایمر اون شروع و این متوقف بشه
سلام. وقت بخیر نرم افزار بسیار خوب و کاربردی... فقط در زمان تصحیح،و لحاظ کردن نمره منفی ، بهتره امکان تعیین فرمول نمره منفی قابل تنظیم باشه (3 یا 4 سؤال غلط) و درتجزیه و تحلیل، نمرهٔ نهایی ، تعداد درست، تعدادغلط و تعداد نزده تفکیک شود. و همچنین تعدادگزینه ها ی هرسؤال متغیر باشد(۳تا5) سپاس بیکران...