Audiobook Life of Imam Hussein

Audiobook Life of Imam Hussein

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Category Religious
Size 23 MB
Last Update 2015 October 14
Audiobook Life of Imam Hussein

Audiobook Life of Imam Hussein

abbas soltanzadeh
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Category Religious
Size 23 MB
Last Update 2015 October 14
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Hi Dear
First of all, the arrival time of mourning Imam al-Hussein condolences to your loved ones and I am praying from all your loved ones. The only thing I can tell you that as a friend to your Azzadary first be sure to Salah. Because God's judgment before the Az·hrchyzaznmaztan question. The rest of the acts Agrnmaztan be accepted more easily accepted. Rereading the book of life of Imam Hussein, Zine El Abidine guide compiled by B. Razavi narrative voice is warm and the night of Ashura is started Ghazdastan death of Muawiyah. This audio book is a book of comprehensive site preparation and Android Ashura is provided for your use. I hope this time by listening to audio books take advantage enough of this book.

 Praying, Abbas Soltanzadeh


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این فقط چند قسمت از برنامه رادیو هست که برداشته شده وبه شکل برنامه دراومده. و فقط یه قسمت خیلی کوتاهی از اتفاقاته قبل از شهادته.کاس کامل بود
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اکبر مینایی
باسلام،کتاب خوبیه ولی چندمشکل‌کوچیکم داره،اول؛کاش یکصدا استفاده میشد،بعد برا رفتن بقسمت بعد باید کلیک کنیم وخودکار نمیره،وخیلی خلاصست
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