medical all information

medical all information

Version ver2
In-app Purchases
Install +500
Category Medical
Size 4 MB
Last Update 2016 March 10
medical all information

medical all information

somaye sadate sabour dodran
Version ver2
In-app Purchases
Install +500
Category Medical
Size 4 MB
Last Update 2016 March 10
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More Info

There are several applications for medical information, but there is a whole series about it we have tried to gather a range of information and the day is perfect because nothing is perfect.

Pharmacology page:

and any type of drug it is necessary to say that the word you want to search on a purely professional and similar words show was also prescribed specifications of the drug following will become apparent.The program allows you to transfer content to provide to the person or persons so that you can easily move your subject. The best features of this program is that you are on any page, you can search is about other content on the same page and previous page features are available on the same page, and you can even customize the menu to refer to.

Page Herb:

In this page you can make one quite familiar with herbs And tickets to see any information or if you want to look for a specific plant, just press the search icon and custom content type And select the desired specifications subject for study appears below. You are in transition to a person or persons is provided so that you can easily move your subject.

Page Diagnosis:

In this page you can make one quite familiar with the disease is to be introduced to all Bymaryhabsvrt specialized information and tickets each to see it or if you want to look for a particular plant is enough to the search icon to press and the desired type Your own word searches and similar words and the story was to show the desired characteristics for study appears below.

Page reading test:

In this page you can completely familiar one by one with keywords and by choosing to see any information or if you want to look for something special, you just press the search icon and custom content type.

Page diseases:

In this page you can select one of the common diseases are quite familiar with each data view or if you want to look for something special,Just press the search icon and type the desired entry and select the desired specifications subject for study appears below.

Horoscope page:

In this page you can customize with intent to issue and peace to the souls of all the lost loved one number from 1 to 900 to enter the box above and select the corresponding key to the horoscope Nyttan be visible to you.

By sending the stars we see in this Dlgrmtr to the set every day is perfect for enthusiasts gathered.




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