A funny Iranian game, entertaining, story, puzzle, with quality and... never miss this game because you can be sure it will never be found...
The story of the game: In the village of PirBozorg, agricultural products and animal husbandry have been destroyed due to drought and unprecedented heat, and famine and hunger have prevailed, so the only solution is to access the hidden treasure of the Big Cave, which can be opened with seven special stone tablets for its talisman. It is possible, that's why TaimurDanandeh sends to the LutiAbad area to take these seven tablets that are kept by the seven great Luti, and thus your mission begins in the role of Timur Danandeh in LutiAbad...
The structure of the game: Unlike the previous versions, LutiAbad 6 works with a gesture and movement system, which means that the control of the game is very easy and the user can fully control the game with one finger, which makes the user's attention on its story and mystery are focused, also the graphics and structure of the game have changed a lot and the game environment is almost five times bigger than the previous LutiAbad, in this game artificial intelligence is used to guide the player and control the cameras and also reduce its size and to manage all the things that have been said, ultra-advanced programming has been used to make the game, so that we can proudly say that the national game is a national honor.
We hope you will enjoy this beautiful game and also support us with your comments and scores.