Koto instrument playing

Koto instrument playing

Version 2.0 Pro
In-app Purchases
Install +100
Category Music & Audio
Size 11 MB
Last Update 2017 February 16
Koto instrument playing

Koto instrument playing

hamed taheri
Version 2.0 Pro
In-app Purchases
Install +100
Category Music & Audio
Size 11 MB
Last Update 2017 February 16
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More Info

Koto hospitality, authentic Japanese maker.
And the sound of the zither family dream is sound. With this app you can easily do all Koto instrument to play more notes.
Of your songs and songs made Bshvnyd then mix and put on the rhythm ...! Just try it.

Among the features of the program:
1 9 2 keyboard and sheet music for ornament with Reverb effect for more beauty with the ability to enable and disable it.
** 2. Have the ability to write notes, save and edit it and hear automatic launching of notes written by you.
3. Have the ability to record audio and save it.
4. have prepared several pieces of music, including The Godfather, black hair, Turkish Knklh, Haberin Varmi, his song, Ne Aglarsim, Deliloy Destane, Trenn Gelir, Kara Tren, Hele Dadas, Tatar Ramazan and ...
5 has a cheerful rhythm of the rhythm section with more than 30 Azeri, Turkish, port, Iran, etc. (applicable to the tar, sitar, tabla, Tombak)
6. Have the ability to adjust the rhythms sound transposed
Note: The metronome settings can be adjusted automatically run.
7. supports a variety of operating systems and different screen resolution HD for mobile phones and tablets

User Reviews - 17 Rates
3.8 from 5
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