

Version 6.1.4
Install +100 K
Category Shopping
Size 19 MB
Last Update 2024 December 29


Version 6.1.4
Install +100 K
Category Shopping
Size 19 MB
Last Update 2024 December 29
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More Info

Sell your unwanted books and buy books you want at a reasonable price with the money you save

You don't need the exam books anymore and want to sell them? Are you looking for a novel and can't find it? Or do you like to sell your books and buy new books? So install CanSell ⬇️

CanSell is a place for buying and selling used or new books . Our goal is firstly to prevent trees from being cut down to produce more paper and secondly to make it possible to buy books at a better price for everyone.

In CanSell, you can find your books from among hundreds of different categories (which include general, university, school and exam, language, novel, psychology, etc.) and buy them easily.

Books don't get old. We can read any book hundreds of times and benefit from it

  • Buy and sell books without worry with secure shopping

With the CanSell secure shopping, until the book reaches the hands of the buyer, money remains with us so that you can buy or sell books from anywhere in Iran. It is even possible to receive a shipping fee.

  • Add books by scanning

We have collected the information of more than 1 million best-selling book titles so that you do not need to enter all the details one by one to register your books, and it is enough to scan the book's back and we will fill in the details, just enter the price.

  • In-app chat

When you find the book you want, you can make the necessary arrangements through chatting with the seller in the application and buy the book from them. With “secure shopping”, you don't have to worry about sending and receiving the book.

  • Topics and categories

Academic books (separately for each academic field)

Non-curricular books (novels and literature, economics, psychology, history, etc.)

School and exam (from elementary school to high school)



  • Your personal library

You have your own page in the CanSell application, which you can share its link on social networks so that users can see your books and buy from you.

  • Book request

The book you are looking for may not be found in the application, which you can register as a requested book so that if someone has the book you are looking for, you can buy it from them.


This program is designed to facilitate the exchange of your books. Using CanSell is free (except for secure shopping) and your ad will be displayed to tens of thousands of our users the same day.

Let's help spread book culture by introducing the CanSell to friends

User Reviews - 3,346 Rates
4.3 from 5
با سپاس از تیم ۲ نفره کنسل. اپ خوبیه. گاهی کند میشه که لابد بخاطر حجم بالای داده هاییه که بارگذاری میشه. پشتیبانی همیشه در اولین فرصت پاسخگوئه. درصد کارمزد هم منصفانه است. دو تا مشکل: فامیلی خریدار تو فاکتور نمیاد. روند تسویه حساب کمی کنده. کادر کد رهگیری خیلی کوچیکه.
خیلی اپ بدیه.فروشنده ها اصلا پاسخی به پیامم ندادن به پشتیبانی کنسل اطلاع دادم هم تو اپ کنسل هم تو واتساپ‌ حتی پشتیبانی هم پاسخگو نبود.من که نمیتونم به این اپ اعتماد کنم.
زینب بانو
زینب بانو
پیشنهاد: 1. لطفا این گزینه که برای هر کتاب باید شهر انتخاب کنیم رو بردارید تا بطور پیشفرض بر اساس آدرسی که وارد کردیم شهر برای تمام آگهی ها ثبت بشه. 2. لطفا برای کتابخونه قفسه بذارید که بشه کتابها رو کلی دسته بندی کرد و تمام کتابهای اون قفسه بطور پیشفرض همون دسته بندی قفسه براشون ثبت بشه.