Digikala - دیجی‌کالا

Digikala - دیجی‌کالا

Version 3.1.0-CB
Install +20 M
Category Shopping
Size 46 MB
Last Update 2024 November 7
Digikala - دیجی‌کالا

Digikala - دیجی‌کالا

Version 3.1.0-CB
Install +20 M
Category Shopping
Size 46 MB
Last Update 2024 November 7
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More Info

The Digikala Application is a store in your pocket, and not just any store. This store provides a wide range of products with the ability to surf through all of them, compare them, and then shop online. The professional reviews available on the application give you an insight into a product and all its details. These reviews assure a preserved purchase while allowing you to use the services of Iran’s biggest online store.

The Digikala Application offers a numerous number of products categorized into different groups. Categories like Digital products, Cosmetics, Home Supplies, Clothing, Toys, Arts and Leisure, etc. These are a few of Digikala’s divisions. Moreover, the most recent group of products that Digikala has added to its fantastic online shop is the Fast-Moving Consumer Goods group, also known as FMCG. This category alongside other categories of Digikala offer almost everything you need.

The Digikala Application acquaints you on the new sales and special offers, as well as discounts or particular vouchers by sending notifications. The payment process might be a concern to costumers, yet the Digikala Application always provides more than one payment option. You can pay cash on delivery, or online.

The Delivery process is another challenging part for online shopping; however, Digikala ensures a safe and fast delivery to the extent that the FMCG products will be delivered to the customer under 3 hours.

The Digikala Application is available for both Android and iOS users. 

User Reviews - 287,133 Rates
3.9 from 5
چندین ساله تمام خرید هامو از دیجی کالا انجام میدم و چنین بی مسئولیتی ندیده بودم. سفارشم رو فرستادم گنجه وقتی رفتم برای گرفتن بسته مسئولش گفت هیچ بسته ای نمیاد اینجا و شما نفر 500 هستین و باید بگین پولتون رو برگردونن به پشتیبانی گفتم و بعد یک ماه هنوز پولم برنگشته. خرید کردن با این شرایط اشتباهه
خیلی بد شده یا لغو میکنن یا دیر میارن برنامه بدی شده
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اصلا به کار آدم رسیدگی نمی کند من یه سفارش توپ برای پسرم دادم پولش هم رو پرداخت کردم ولی هنوز سفارش به دستم نرسیده الان یک یه ماهی است این چه دیجی کالای هست این که نشد خرید اینترنتی. می رفتیم از مغازه می گرفتیم خیلی بهتر بود. یه ستاره هم از سرشون زیادی